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Cloning Cannabis Plants
11 Tips For Managing Mother Plants in Cannabis Cultivation
Cultivation experts share their best practices and advice for maintaining ideal plant health and an optimal grow environment for mother plants to thrive.
4 Methods of Spread for Hop Latent Viroid: What Every Cultivator Should Know About This ‘Silent Killer’
Dr. Zamir Punja, a professor of plant biotechnology at Simon Fraser University, explains what he’s uncovered in his recent research.
Cannabis Seeds, Clones for Home Grows Now Available in Massachusetts’ Licensed Market
The state’s Cannabis Control Commission is now regulating seeds and clones as product offerings for consumers and patients.
Genetics Priorities and Trends
Is an In-House Tissue Culture Lab Right for You?
Tissue culture propagation has clear IPM and genetic storage advantages for cannabis cultivators, but its costs and logistics might not be for everyone.
Start on the Right (Cloned) Foot
Successfully rooting and transplanting your clones will save time and protect your profits.
Ensure Clean Crops From Clone to Harvest
A look at the common contamination sources, how to avoid them, and why a viroid threat may make the case for new propagation processes.
Seed, Clone or Tissue Culture? How to Decide
All are viable ways to starting a cannabis crop. Here's how to weigh options carefully.
4 Tips to Master Boom Irrigation in Propagation
Automated watering systems can more precisely irrigate plants, improving yield and keeping pests at bay.
Cloning 101
Cloning can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be.
Conception Nurseries Comes Out of Quiet Production, Launches Publicly
The cannabis micropropagation company has been quietly developing cannabis tissue culture clones for nearly two years.
Sunrise Genetics Debuts Complete Cannabis Genome Map
The comprehensive genetic tool will assist in further breeding advancements of the plant.
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