EDMONTON, Alberta, Nov. 22, 2021 – Press Release – Aurora Cannabis Inc., a Canadian company focused on defining the future of cannabinoids worldwide, announced a renewed sponsorship of Cannabis Amnesty in support of its advocacy work, calling for blanket pardons to all individuals for the offence of simple possession of cannabis. The sponsorship will support Cannabis Amnesty's campaign to right these historical wrongs—especially the impact on racialized communities.
Over half a million Canadians still have criminal records for simply possessing cannabis; creating barriers to meaningful work, volunteering and travel.
"As a proudly Canadian company, Aurora values our roots in advocating for cannabis record pardons with Cannabis Amnesty," Aurora CEO Miguel Martin said. "We have a responsibility to those communities who have been disproportionately impacted. Canadians, or anyone for that matter, shouldn't be burdened with a criminal record for a minor, non-harmful act that is no longer a crime."
The $50,000 contribution from Aurora will enable Cannabis Amnesty to enhance its operations, facilitating the non-profit advocacy group’s ability to directly engage with and support communities harmed by cannabis prohibition. A portion of the funds will go toward the hiring of Cannabis Amnesty's first full-time staff member, in collaboration with TOQi Technologies Ltd., to lead the next phase of cannabis advocacy. This includes calling for pardons and cannabis record expungement with a focus on the disproportionate criminal records still held by racialized communities in Canada and working in the community to provide pardon resources directly to individuals.
"Aurora's Cannabis Amnesty sponsorship demonstrates leadership within the cannabis industry, taking a step forward to address the social inequities of cannabis prohibition," Cannabis Amnesty Founder Annamaria Enenajor said. "Cannabis Amnesty looks forward to working with Aurora to help influence policy for the better and continue the call for cannabis record expungement here in Canada.”