Wash. State Adopts New Warning Label for Edibles

Editor's note: Eugene Flynn, managing member of Canna Herb Farms, LLC, and a member of the Cannabis Farmers Council Executive Board, wrote a guest column for Cannabis Business Times' September/October edition in response to the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board's proposed label rules. Read it here.

The Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board this week finalized a new warning label to identify cannabis-infused edibles, a step aimed at curbing instances of children accidentally consuming legal cannabis products.

The new label, which features a bright red hand held in a “STOP” gesture, the words “Not For Kids,” and the 24-hour emergency phone hotline for Poison Control, will be required on cannabis edibles beginning Feb. 14. The symbol was selected by the Washington Poison Center over an alternative option that featured Mr. Yuk and the phrase “Poison help!”—a design that garnered pushback from the cannabis community due to the fact the plant is not, in fact, poison.

“The WSLCB is adopting a warning symbol with the goal of deterring accidental consumption of marijuana products by children,” the WSLCB said in a statement accompanying the rule change, “and to provide emergency services contact information for cases of accidental exposure or over consumption.”

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