PRESS RELEASE - Washington Sungrowers Industry Association (WSIA) is a membership-based 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization whose mission is to support sungrown cannabis by encouraging environmental and economic sustainability through advocacy, education, and research. The WSIA has announced the selection of Crystal Oliver as its new executive director.
“I am very excited for the next chapter of the WSIA with Crystal as the executive director. I have had the opportunity to work with Crystal in her tireless representation of farmers, and admire her professionalism, deep understanding of the issues and respect that she has within the industry, the WSLCB and the legislature," stated Jeremy Moberg, president and founder of WSIA.
Crystal Oliver has been an outspoken advocate for small business and family farms in Washington State and brings with her more than 15 years’ experience in organizational management, as well as significant experience in community organizing, policy development and cannabis farming. Over the last six years she has represented the Cannabis Farmers Council, as well as her own farm Washington’s Finest Cannabis in policy conversations with local and state officials. Crystal was also recently recognized by the American Planning Association Small Town & Rural Planning board with the 2018 John Keller Planning Initiative Merit Award for her project “Protecting Opportunities for Rural Cannabis Farmers in Washington.”
“As a proud outdoor cannabis farmer myself, I’m passionate about protecting the viability of sungrown cannabis farming and consumers' right to choose sustainably grown cannabis. It’s clear that there is immense pressure to force cultivation indoors at the local, state, national and international level despite the environmental costs. I am thrilled to be joining WSIA at this pivotal point contributing my time and expertise to advocating for the preservation of farmers' right to farm cannabis outdoors. I’m looking forward to increasing WSIA membership and amplifying the message that sungrown cannabis is the only truly sustainable way to grow cannabis and should be both protected and encouraged,” Oliver said.
WSIA was founded in 2014 by Jeremy Moberg, president of Cannasol, whose advocacy is largely responsible for the existence of sungrown cannabis in Washington State. WSIA was established to provide Washington Sungrowers a voice in regulatory and legislative policy development conversations as well as provide consumer oriented education about sungrown cannabis as a preferred choice.