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Seattle Company Gets Washington’s First Cannabis Research License

Verda Bio received the state's first license to grow and process cannabis purely for research purposes.

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The state of Washington is about to hand out its very first cannabis research license. This new license allows companies to grow and process cannabis purely for research purposes.

Verda Bio, a Seattle-based pharmaceutical company, said they successfully received their research license and will soon be growing cannabis in their SoDo facility. The LCB confirmed that after a fee was processed the research license would be issued.

Jessica Tonani, Verda Bio’s CEO, said the company’s first project is a breeding program looking to create plants that produce minor cannabinoids, those rarer and less studied cannabis compounds. “The first year of the project is going to focus on breeding plants that produce chemicals outside of THC. We’re interested in creating plants that produce chemicals that we can study further,” Tonani said. “We don’t believe that the plants that we want to do research on exist yet.”

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Top Image: © Forance | Adobe Stock

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