Oregon Approves Recreational Licenses, First Marijuana Wholesaler

[Press release] Portland, Oregon – The Oregon Liquor Control Commission has approved 14 Recreational Marijuana producer and wholesale licenses. 

The producer licensees include:
•    Kit Johnston, (MariCo Farms) – Mixed, Tier 2, Yamhill County
•    Sol-Sisters, Inc. (Sol-Sisters) – Outdoor, Tier 2, Polk County
•    Mountain Sun Botanicals, Inc. (Mountain Sun Botanicals) – Mixed, Tier 2, Jackson County
•    Oregon Grown Organics LLC, David Tourzan (Oregon Grown Organics) – Mixed, Tier 2, Jackson County
•    Oregon Roots Inc. (Oregon Roots) – Mixed, Tier 2, Washington County
•    Pilot Farms, LLC, Matthew A. Dolinar (Pilot Farms) – Outdoor, Tier 2, Jackson County
•    Harlen Magnie, Thomas Pretorius (H&H Gardens) – Outdoor, Tier 2, Jackson County
•    Patricia Downing (Elvenwood Enterprises, LLC) – Outdoor, Tier 1, Josephine County
•    Trichomes Gardens Limited, James Newgard (Trichomes Garden) – Outdoor, Tier 2, Washington County
•    Jefferson State Farms LLC, Benjamin Yuma (Jefferson State Farms LLC) – Outdoor, Tier 2, Jackson County
•    Oregon Roots Inc., James Stitch, Trichomes Gardens Limited, James Newgard (Oregon Roots) – Outdoor, Tier 2, Washington County
•    Trailhead Farms LLC, Dave Henderson, Terry McDowell (Trail Head Farms) – Outdoor, Tier 1, Hood River County
•    The Clone Brothers, LLC (The Clone Brothers) – Outdoor, Tier 2, Clackamas County

The licensees approved today include Tier 1 and Tier 2 outdoor and mixed cultivation growers.  Tier 1 outdoor growers are allowed to have a plant canopy up to 20,000 square feet, and Tier 2 outdoor growers are allowed to have a plant canopy between 20,001 to 40,000 square feet.   Mixed cultivation growers are allowed to have a combined indoor and outdoor canopy using a ratio so the total canopy does not exceed the tier designation.

The annual fee for Tier 1 growers is $3,750, and the annual fee for Tier 2 growers is $5,750. 

The wholesale licensee is:
•    Kit Johnston, (Marico Farms) – Yamhill County

The annual license fee wholesalers, labs, processors, and retailers is $4,750.
To date the OLCC has received 977 applications for Recreational Marijuana Licenses and the Commission has approved 26 licenses.

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