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Linn County in Oregon to Review 3 Marijuana Land Use Applications

The Linn County Planning and Building Department is reviewing its first three land use applications for marijuana production operations near Tangent, Brownsville and Scio.

Public comments are due by 5 p.m., March 10 for an application by Ivo Wenz, who wants to develop a marijuana production and wholesale operation at 36972 and 37090 Gilkey Road. Wenz owns Organic Hemp Inc. in Scio and Captain Hemp Organics LLC in Portland.

RELATED: Oregon Lawmakers Consider Consolidating Marijuana Regulation

Comments are due by 5 p.m. on March 15 for applications by Nicholas Loepp and James Olsen. Loepp is seeking a conditional use permit to develop an indoor marijuana production business in an existing building at 32073 Old Highway 34, Tangent.

Loepp owns SharpLeaf LLC, a marijuana production company in the Oregon City area. Olsen is seeking a site plan review to develop an outdoor marijuana growing operation on a portion of 67 acres near Meadowview Road south of Brownsville.

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