Portland Announces 2020 SEED Program Recipients

The program seeks to provide economic support for communities disproportionately impacted by cannabis prohibition.

August 4, 2020 -PRESS RELEASE- The Portland Office of Community & Civic Life’s Social Equity & Educational Development (SEED) Grant Fund has announced its 2020 grant recipients. Six Portland, Ore. organizations will receive a total of $548,000 to provide economic opportunity and education to communities disproportionately impacted by cannabis prohibition. The grant is funded from a portion of Measure 26-180 which directs a 3% tax on Portland’s recreational cannabis.

"I'm really excited to be supporting the work of our grant recipients and the direct impact on the communities they serve," said Kimie Ueoka, SEED Grant Fund Coordinator. "The accountability to restorative justice built into this grant fund is a new space for government and a step in the right direction, especially now."

Collectively, the following six organizations are working to address disproportionate need-gaps for BIPOC communities across legal services, workforce development, re-entry housing, and criminal justice reform:

  • Beyond Black CDC focuses on building community engagement, policy awareness, and social justice, including community-led discussion around cannabis policy and equity.
  • Clear Clinic, a Portland Community College program, hosts free legal clinics offering a variety of needed legal supports including civil, immigration, and housing.
  • Construction pre-Apprenticeship Program & Workforce Development, managed by Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center, Inc. (POIC), offers construction-specific job skills and industry certification to lower income youth and adults.
  • Justice Involved Portlanders, an initiative of Worksystems, Inc., provides emergency housing assistance funds for individuals exiting incarceration.
  • Mink'a Program, a Latino Network initiative, provides youth and family wraparound service to address youth gang involvement.
  • Voz provides workforce development and education for communities unlikely to have access to federal emergency support programs.

The 2020 grant funds will also continue to support two 2019 grantees, Constructing Hope and Green Hop.

“The SEED grant provides critical restorative justice funding to BIPOC Portlanders,” said Commissioner-in-Charge Chloe Eudaly. “I am committed to continuing significant City investments in communities that have been disproportionally harmed by our racist drug laws. Congratulations to the 2020 SEED Grant recipients! I look forward to seeing the results of your vital community-driven efforts.”

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