Massachusetts Draws $420 Million in Cannabis Sales in 2019

As of January, Massachusetts has more than 30 licensed retailers selling adult-use cannabis.

Mass Boston
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We’ve now got both feet firmly in 2020, but it’s worth pausing for a moment to see how the past year went down in pure sales numbers across the cannabis industry. In Massachusetts, for instance, the state drew $420 million in total cannabis sales last year (with sales only just beginning in November 2018).

As of January, Massachusetts has more than 30 licensed retailers selling adult-use cannabis.

massachusetts dispensariesmassachusetts dispensaries

“Marijuana retailers and consumers should be commended for participating in an extremely smooth roll out of the legal adult-use cannabis industry in Massachusetts for the first year,” Commission Chairman Steven J. Hoffman said in a public statement last November, marking the formal one-year anniversary of adult-use sales. “Hundreds of millions of dollars in sales are one measure of success, but I am even prouder of the way in which marijuana establishments have worked with the Commission to gain and preserve compliance with our regulations and patrons continue to inform themselves about the law and their responsibilities when they visit Massachusetts stores.”  

massachusetts cannabis salesmassachusetts cannabis sales
Cannabis Control Comission

Those metrics come in a time frame that included the state’s temporary ban on all cannabis vape products, a legal reaction to the vaping-relating lung illnesses that began to sweep the U.S. in the late summer of 2019.  

Looking ahead, the Cannabis Control Commission has extended its data tracking platform to the public. Business owners and consumers may watch week-over-week trends in adult-use cannabis sales across the state, gathering a sense of how different product categories are selling against one another. Flower makes up nearly half of all sales in Massachusetts, for instance, while edibles net just shy of 25%. 

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