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HPS Lighting for Cannabis Cultivation Facility
8 Considerations for a Lighting Retrofit
Why an LED retrofit to maximize yields and lower operating costs is crucial in challenging, price-compressed markets.
Lighting Challenges Meet LED Benefits
As cannabis cultivation advances, lighting-based challenges faced by commercial indoor and greenhouse growers using supplemental lighting grow more complex.
A Guiding Light
CULTA nurtures its cannabis with different lighting types in a variety of environments, taking note of the plants’ preferences to maximize the genetic potential of each cultivar.
Illuminated Growth
Light-Emitting Diode Domination
For the first time in CBT's State of the Lighting Market's history, 70% or more of research participants from commercial indoor or greenhouse operations with supplemental lighting used light emitting diodes in every growth stage.
Factors Influencing Lighting Purchases
Historically, price has been a leading factor influencing lighting purchasing decisions for flowering.
Facility Sizes, Types and Tiers
As in past years, canopy footprints and layouts varied significantly for cultivation operations in the 2022 “State of the Cannabis Lighting Market” research.
5 Lighting Trends to Watch
2021 research shines light on changing trends in cannabis cultivation
Unrivaled Brands Looks to Build Off Its First Harvest’s Success
The vertically integrated cannabis MSO had its first harvest at its Oakland facility and has its sights set on cup season.
Maintenance Matters
Properly maintaining environmental control systems can optimize your facility performance and save you dollars. Here are 5 tips to help you.
The Unique Challenge of Horticultural Lighting
Illuminating an indoor cannabis grow requires the same level of intricate knowledge the world’s foremost cultivators intrinsically apply across all other areas of their operations.
Shine a Light
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