Christopher Foster, CEO, GIE Media
April 27, 2015 — GIE Media Inc., a leading b2b media company serving some 25 different industries through print and digital magazines, websites, e-newsletters, apps, conferences, reference books and other media platforms, today announced the acquisition of Cannabis Business Times from Hermes Media and Research in Arlington, Va. This new title serves the state-legal cannabis industry, and joins the publications in GIE Media’s Horticulture group, which include Greenhouse Management, Nursery Management, Garden Center, Produce Grower, Ornamental Breeder, Lawn & Landscape and Golf Course Industry.
“The economic opportunities are beginning to explode in this industry, and will continue to grow as legislation continues to advance the issue,” says Christopher Foster, GIE Media’s CEO. “We are excited to expand our portfolio into this emerging segment of the market.”
[caption id="attachment_1575" align="alignright" width="150"]Noelle Skodzinski, Editor, Cannabis Business Times
Noelle Skodzinski, co-founder and editor of Cannabis Business Times, also joins GIE Media and will continue to oversee Cannabis Business Times’ editorial. As the former editorial director of the Publishing Group at North American Publishing Co., along with a number of other editorial management positions, Skodzinski brings more than 20 years of journalism experience to the team.
Jim Gilbride serves as the Group Publisher of Cannabis Business Times. “This is a huge opportunity for some of our existing clients who are already capitalizing on this growth opportunity. We are excited to be on the forefront of b2b communications giving even greater access to this developing area,” says Gilbride.
[caption id="attachment_6101" align="alignright" width="150"]Jim Gilbride, Group Publisher, Cannabis Business Times/GIE Media
Cannabis Business Times provides actionable intelligence for the legal cannabis industry through its website (CannabisBusinessTimes.com) and its weekly e-newsletter. An official Media Partner of the National Cannabis Industry Association’s (NCIA) Cultivation Management Symposium and its 2015 Cannabis Business Summit and Expo, Cannabis Business Times provides daily updates on marijuana legislation and regulations, as well as strategic business and investment information, legal insights and other intelligence serving cannabis businesses. For more information, visit http://www.cannabisbusinesstimes.com/.
About GIE Media Inc.
GIE Media Inc. is a leading marketing and communications business media company. The goal of GIE Media is to publish the highest-quality business magazines, multimedia, e-newsletters, conferences, reference books and other forms of business media in growth industries with a quality standard based upon editorial value and market leadership.