The 2nd Annual Cannaball Run for Vets Kicks Off Education and Awareness Campaign Tour
[Press Release] Port Richey, FL - October 17, 2015 - MagicalButter and the Weed for Warriors Project kick off the 2nd Annual Cannaball Run for Vets for cannabis Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder treatment to highlight the mounting evidence surrounding the issue of PTSD. The cross country education and awareness campaign will begin on Oct. 17 in Los Angeles, California, and stop along seven major U.S. cities as it heads toward the Nation’s Capital, Washington, D.C., for the culminating Veteran’s Day event on November 11th.
“MagicalButter embraces the use of cannabis as a treatment for debilitating ailments such as PTSD,” explained Garyn Angel, CEO of MagicalButter. “Our vets deserve alternatives to the narcotics that are currently being prescribed. We partnered with the veterans for the second annual Cannaball Run to make a difference. More troops have been lost to suicide than combat...and this must change now!”
The 2015 Cannaball Run for Vets is in support of Veteran's Treating War Trauma with Cannabis. Stops include Los Angeles, CA (10/17); Denver, CO (10/24); Phoenix, AZ (10/26); Nashville, TN (10/30); Atlanta, GA (11/5); Charottesville, VA (11/6-11/8); Philadelphia, PA (11/9); and Washington, D.C. (11/11).
America’s veterans are seeking an alternative path away from harmful narcotics being prescribed to them that lead to addiction and suicidal tendencies. They are requesting for the VA to allow cannabis therapy as an option for treatment. On Veterans Day, at the Washington D.C. run, veterans plan to join in an emotional march--carrying their empty pill bottles to the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue, symbolizing their immeasurable suffering with pain-killer addiction from failed PTSD treatment. Through the events of the Cannaball Run, veterans and their supporters aim to advocate for the recognition of cannabis as an approved PTSD treatment alternative to dangerous narcotics.
“We are a nation awash in the blood of our dead patriots. This movement is to express veteran’s discontent with a system that has been abusing/ignoring them for far too long. As federal patients, we require that cannabis be recognized by the [Veterans Affairs] as a viable alternative to dangerous SSRI’s, Opiates, and other commonly prescribed drugs. We know from recent reports that cannabis has statistically lowered the overdose/suicide death rates in states where it is legally accessible. As federal patients, we require federal access,” said Iraq combat veteran Ricardo Pereyda, Operations Director of The Weed for Warriors Project.
About MagicalButter:
MagicalButter is a company that is working hard to bring top quality, consistent edibles and infusions to cannabis patients everywhere. MagicalButter has developed an appliance anyone can easily use in their home kitchen to make cannabis-infused butter, oil, and tinctures. The MagicalButter machine features an internal microprocessor for simple operation and consistency in every batch. World headquarters for MagicalButter is located in Port Richey, Florida and sold internationally. For more information please visit
About The Weed for Warriors Project:
Weed for Warriors Project’s sole purpose is to advocate to the Veteran Affairs Administration on behalf of all Veterans. Founded in 2014, the WFW Project aims to allow Veterans the freedom to use cannabis as a recognized medical alternative to harmful psychiatric drugs without any discrimination or unjust actions against the individual. W4WP was started in the San Francisco Bay Area by an OEF United States Marine Corps Veteran who found relief from his service connected disabilities through cannabis and the fellowship of other like-minded Veterans within the cannabis community. For more information please visit