Bloom Farms Supports Breast Cancer Awareness Month

[Press release] SAN FRANCISCO, California — October 7, 2016 — Bloom Farms, a San Francisco-based medical cannabis company, will support Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October by releasing a limited edition pink version of its award-winning Highlighter vape pen and dedicating its freshest Single Origin Reserve cartridge, Goddess.  

Bloom Farms Director Michael Ray said, “Everyone at Bloom Farms is honored to contribute $5,000 during Breast Cancer Awareness month to the Susan G. Komen Circle of Promise, Northern and Central California Initiative which aims to empower all African American women to get information, support and services that could save their lives.”

When Susan G. Komen was founded in 1982, the death rates from breast cancer were about the same for African American and Caucasian women. But since then, breast cancer deaths among the two groups has widened dramatically – and today, African American women are 41 percent more likely to die of breast cancer than white women.

“We appreciate Bloom Farms support of Komen Sacramento Valley and our mission to save lives and end breast cancer forever,” said Kelly Mac Millan, Executive Director of Komen Sacramento Valley.

Hundreds of thousands of women and men are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. Even if you don’t have a chance to try Goddess and sport our pink Breast Cancer Awareness Highlighter, make sure you’re spreading awareness this month.

Bloom Farms began its Single Origin Reserve program earlier this year to highlight the best family farmers and terroir much like special vintage wines. Goddess, from Nevada County, CA, is known for her scent of rose and ruby grapefruit; Goddess is the queen of stress-relief strains. Euphoric and giggly, Goddess provides energy and a focused disposition.

Strain specific Single Origin Reserve is cultivated and curated within a specific region of California and is only available in extremely limited quantity.  All Single Origin Reserve cartridges are made with 100% pure cannabis oil.
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