See what's happening around the home state of this issue's cover-story cultivator, LeafLine Labs.

Total number of patients who visited a cannabis patient center in Minnesota and purchased medical marijuana products in December 2016.
Source: Minnesota Department of Health

Average age of Minnesota Medical Cannabis Program registrants.
Source: Minnesota Department of Health

The percentage of Minnesota medical marijuana patients who are living with cancer or a terminal illness, as of Dec. 31, 2016.
Source: Minnesota Department of Health

The number of patients who were enrolled in Minnesota’s Medical Cannabis Program as of June 30, 2016.
Source: Minnesota Department of Health
The number of patients enrolled in Minnesota’s Medical Cannabis Program as of Dec. 31, 2016, after intractable pain was added to the list of qualifying conditions in August.
Source: Minnesota Department of Health

The number of cannabis jobs in Oregon, generating $315 million in salaries averaging over $12/hour.
Source: Whitney Economics

$2.3 billion
Projected total state tax revenue generated from marijuana retail sales by 2020. $1.8 billion of that is from the cannabis-specific tax.
Source: New Frontier Data
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