New cannabis club opens on the west side (Colorado)

Noelle New Headshot Fmt Headshot

The west side officially joined the Colorado Springs cannabis-club craze a month ago, when The Pothole (519 N. 30th St., opened in the old Green Earth Wellness Center spot. Owner Gabe Pieper, 36, grew up in Colorado Springs before moving to Denver, but says he's back to participate in the changing culture.

"I've been smoking and doing the marijuana thing pretty much my whole life," Pieper says, "and just took the opportunity that was in front of us to help give the people what they want, I guess, have some fun. It's kind of a dream to have a weed bar."

Pieper describes the place as "almost like your basement cool room, when you were a teenager. Foosball tables, bean bags, just a fun place to chill."

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