DAYTON — A Dayton resident has asked the city to pass “sanctuary” policies to allow patients prescribed medical marijuana to possess the drug without fear of criminal charges since the medical cannabis industry is slow to set up shop in Ohio.
At this week’s city commission meeting, Latasha Rountree said the establishment of the state’s marijuana dispensaries in the state has been delayed, and some patients have been arrested and cited for possessing a drug they need for medical reasons.
Rountree asked the city to take action to clarify that patients who have been prescribed marijuana should not be arrested or cited for possession.
“We need to know that we are not going to be over prosecuted since we have done everything the state of Ohio has asked us to do,” she said.
Rountree said she went to school for cannabis cultivation in Michigan and wants to bring her product to Ohio. She described herself as cannabis patient and an entrepreneur.
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