North Carolina to Consider Medical Cannabis Legalization Bill, Again

The measure could reach the Senate floor for a vote this week.

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A medical cannabis legalization bill in North Carolina that stalled in last year’s legislative session will go before the Senate Committee June 1.

Senate Bill 711, called the Compassionate Care Act—sponsored by State Sen. Paul Lowe (D) and backed by Sens. Bill Rabon (R) and Michael Lee (R)—would establish a “regulatory framework to allow doctors to recommend medical cannabis to patients with conditions including cancer, HIV/AIDS, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), epilepsy, Crohn’s disease and sickle cell anemia,” Cannabis Business Times previously reported.

The measure would also allow patients in hospice care to have access to medical cannabis, CBT reported.

S.B. 711 was initially introduced in April 2021 and passed the Senate Judiciary Committee in July 2021 and again in August. It also cleared the Senate Finance Committee and Senate Health Care Committee last summer before lawmakers decided in September 2021 topostpone the full Senate vote until this year, CBT reported.

If the measure passes the committee vote Wednesday, it could get a floor vote this week.

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