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Marijuana Grower in Dispute With Southern University Over Contract: Report

Advanced Biomedics is threatening legal action over a contract exclusivity allegation.

Advanced Biomedics, the Lafayette-based firm chosen by Southern University to produce medical marijuana, has threaten to file suit against the university over the agreement, according to The

An earlier news story indicated that a suit was filed. According to The Advertiser, the company is in a dispute with Southern over the contract, but is attempting to get it resolved. 

Advanced Biomedics charges that a minority partner negotiated the contract without authority, and wants to stop the university from following through on a threat to seek out other companies for the job if the contract is not signed, according to the news report.

State-permitted pharmacies will dispense marijuana that will be produced and manufactured in various forms by vendors hired by Southern University and Louisiana State University, the only agricultural centers allowed by state law to grow the medicinal-grade marijuana.

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