Two more Broward residents have come forward to complain that they received mail-in ballots that were missing Amendment 2, the state's referendum to legalize medical marijuana, according to a group that supports the measure.
Norm Kent, an attorney representing the National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws (NORML), said late Tuesday that the two voters who received defective ballots live in different precincts in Plantation. In one case, he said, a woman who received a ballot missing Amendment 2 reported that her husband's ballot contained the amendment.
The Broward Supervisor of Elections Office has confirmed that two mail-in ballots received by voters in one Oakland Park household last week were missing the referendum. Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes said Tuesday night she was looking into reports of the Plantation cases.
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Norm Kent, an attorney representing the National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws (NORML), said late Tuesday that the two voters who received defective ballots live in different precincts in Plantation. In one case, he said, a woman who received a ballot missing Amendment 2 reported that her husband's ballot contained the amendment.
The Broward Supervisor of Elections Office has confirmed that two mail-in ballots received by voters in one Oakland Park household last week were missing the referendum. Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes said Tuesday night she was looking into reports of the Plantation cases.
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