Colorado Department of Revenue Releases Statewide Medical and Retail Marijuana Sales Data

The total sales exceed $4 billion.

Effective December 12, 2017, the Colorado Department of Revenue (CDOR) released statewide historical medical and retail marijuana sales data from January 2014 to the present and will release monthly reports going forward on the seventh business day of every month, according to a press release.

The Marijuana Sales Reports on this page are not the same as the Marijuana Tax Data Reports. The Marijuana Sales Reports show unaudited monthly sales as self-reported by businesses on state sales returns and do not use Metrc data (the Marijuana Enforcement Division's Marijuana Inventory Tracking System). The Marijuana Tax Data reports show tax revenue collected monthly as posted in the State's accounting system. 

The Marijuana Sales Reports reflect sales made during a filing period (typically a month). Here is an example sales reporting timeline: sales made in January are filed with CDOR in February and reported on this page in March. Reports on this page are labeled with the filing month (January, in this example).

For more information, please see the Marijuana Taxes | File page.

The table below shows sales from medical and retail marijuana stores by calendar year starting in January 2014. Although sales of medical marijuana began prior to 2014, CDOR could not systematically track sales until January 2014.

Marijuana Sales Reports

2017 12 13 14 46 58 Marijuana Sales Reports Department Of Revenue

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