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Increasing Cannabis Plant Yield
4 Methods of Spread for Hop Latent Viroid: What Every Cultivator Should Know About This ‘Silent Killer’
Dr. Zamir Punja, a professor of plant biotechnology at Simon Fraser University, explains what he’s uncovered in his recent research.
New Experiments in Flushing: Let Your Cultivation Goals Dictate Your Plans
University researchers explored how flushing duration affects yield and cannabinoid content and provide three key takeaways for growers.
Stop Production Stalls
Follow these proactive tips to keep an autoflower crop healthy and stress-free.
5 Tips for Increasing Yields
Here, we’ll highlight 5 of the most common pruning and training techniques used to maximize cannabis yields without significant capital investments.
31 Ways to Grow Smarter and Maximize Yield
We asked cannabis growers from Colorado, Oregon and Washington to describe how they set themselves up to maximize yield and remain competitive.
Measuring Yield: Why Efficiency Metrics Are Essential in Cannabis Cultivation
Not all measurements are created equal.
Ceravision Ltd. Announces Results for New Horticulture Light Technology
Results from independently conducted trials with Bridge Farm Group on licensed industrial hemp have demonstrated an increase in yield and potency of 40 percent compared to other lighting solutions.
Building a Better Greenhouse
Dr. Greenhouse’s Nadia Sabeh discusses what to consider when designing and building a greenhouse facility.
How Optimizing Light Intensity Can Help Achieve Maximum Yield
Understanding and reconsidering this lighting variable can help increase yield and maximize revenue per square foot.
Anden to Host Webinar on How to Utilize Control Systems to Maximize Yield
The free event on Dec. 6 will share expert strategies for cultivators, design engineers and HVAC professionals.
6 Tips to Increase Yield With an Outdoor Crop: UPDATED
Bob DeGabrielle, one of the owners of Los Sueños Farms in Pueblo, Colo., shares his advice for outdoor growers looking to boost their harvests.
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