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Growing With LEDs Sponsored by Fluence: Page 4
How Can Cannabis Cultivators Benefit From Utility Rebates and Incentives?
Rebate and incentive programs can help growers afford the lighting systems they need to operate more efficiently in order to cut operating costs and meet state regulations.
How Choosing the Right Light Spectrum and Intensity Can Impact Your Bottom Line
The quality and intensity of light should be optimized so outputs exceed inputs and ultimately increase production beyond increased operating costs.
3 Ways to Increase Lighting Efficiency and Decrease Operating Costs
Tips to make horticulture lighting more efficient to reduce operating costs (with a focus on optimizing production).
How Optimizing Light Intensity Can Help Achieve Maximum Yield
Understanding and reconsidering this lighting variable can help increase yield and maximize revenue per square foot.
5 Mistakes Cultivators Make With Lighting
Understanding and avoiding these common errors can help growers achieve maximum yield and increase revenue per square foot.
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