Washington Post Editorial Board Says “No” to Legalized Marijuana for DC

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Editor's Note: The debate is heating up as the countdown continues to D.C.'s ballot vote that would legalize possession of small amounts of marijuana, as well as home growing of up to six MJ plants. D.C. has a greater chance of getting this legalization measure passed than one that fully legalizes the recreational marijuana market like Washington State and Colorado have done. But Cannabis Business Times Publisher Tim Hermes thinks that while the ballot vote will pass, Congress will not let any form of legalization happen in the nation's capital. One month and counting till the vote!

Just like Nancy Reagan and early-1990s television specials, the Washington Post wants you to just say no to marijuana.

In an editorial Monday, the Post comes down harshly against Initiative No. 71 appearing on DC voters’ ballots this November: 

“But the rush to legalize marijuana gives us – and we hope voters – serious pause. Marijuana, as proponents of legalization argue, may or may not be less harmful than alcohol and tobacco, both legal, but it is not harmless. Questions exist, so it would be prudent for the District not to make a change that could well prove to be misguided until more is known. Foremost here are the experiences and lessons learned by states that have opted for legalization.”

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