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Gay Marriage and MJ Leading the Liberal Causes in a Gridlocked DC

Noelle New Headshot Fmt Headshot

Publisher's note: This is a cool article - interesting to read. I suggest you do. Good take on gay marriage and MJ's recent successes, but most importantly, the speed of change. Check it out. Good take on Obama's perceived lack of skill as a true politician as far as dealing with Congress.


New York, Ny. – While many liberal policy goals have proved elusive during Barack Obama's presidency, there have been dramatic advances for two causes that once seemed quixotic – the legalization of same-sex marriage and the decriminalization of marijuana.

Neither cause was embraced by Obama during his first term. Yet he is now a fervent supporter of marriage equality and has said it is "important" that Colorado and Washington state be allowed to proceed with their pioneering laws, approved by voters in 2012, that legalize marijuana.

For both issues, the pace of change has been striking.


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