Arizona To Be Next Legalization Battleground

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Editor's Note: Many feel the outcome of Tuesday's election could seriously hinder the momentum the pro-marijuna-legalization initiative has been gaining, being given significant boosts by the legalization of recreational marijuana sales in Colorado and Washington, both of which took effect this year. And while a loss in Oregon (especially) and/or Alaska may take the wind temporarily out of the pro-MJ sails, others have their sites set beyond the 2014 elections, where Arizona is said to be a front-runner in the legalization movement. Efforts also are underway in Maine–where a political action committee (supported, as well, by the Marijuana Policy Project) was formed in September. And, ballot measure initiatives are underway in California, Nevada, Massachusetts and Mississippi.

As voters decide on marijuana legalization in two states and the nation’s capitol tomorrow, advocates draw new battle lines for the 2016 election cycle. Many states have the popular will for legalization, but it takes strong organization and financial backing that push legalization through. The group behind legalization in Colorado indicates that Arizona is the next state to receive a push.

The Marijuana Policy Project posted an update on their blog on Thursday stating that they have filed paperwork to “form a committee to begin raising funds for a 2016 citizens’ initiative to make the adult use of marijuana legal.” The announcement follows an article in the Arizona Capitol Times quoting MPP Communications Director, Mason Tvert. He revealed that the group will be using the same strategy and similar terms as Amendment 64 in Colorado.

“It appears most Arizona voters are ready to adopt a more sensible policy,” Tvert told the paper.

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