State and local agencies are joining businesses and organizations in hosting a series of free workshops across Humboldt and Trinity counties to educate medical marijuana stakeholders about their obligations under the new marijuana laws that seek to offer growers a path out of the black market and into legitimate business.
“Nobody fully understands all they’re required to do before they’re compliant,” Humboldt County Senior Planner Steve Lazar said. “That’s almost impossible to do.”
Natalynne DeLapp, executive director of the Environmental Protection Information Center, one of the sponsors of the workshops, spoke to the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday regarding the first workshop held in Blue Lake on Feb. 28.
Overall, DeLapp said many of the growers at the first workshop were concerned about the costs of compliance to fix larger issues like road grading, water storage, and other mandates from the state’s and county’s medical marijuana rules. By itself, the application filing fee to comply with the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board’s water quality program can cost up to $10,000 depending on the qualities of the grow.
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Calif. Workshops Educate Growers On New Laws