Kyle BrownFrom Kyle BrownHomeLight Like a ProTips for selecting the right lighting, measuring effectiveness and setting up proper trials before you roll out a whole new lighting system.February 6, 2017HomeMimicking Nature With LightHigh Level Health’s Chaz Kobayashi taps the natural light patterns of cannabis strains’ native environments to get the most out of an indoor grow.February 6, 2017Home10 Questions With Jian MalihiClarity Farms applies sustainable practices to a larger grow while maximizing its ‘local flavor.’February 3, 2017Home10 Questions With Mike Leibowitz & Toby RipsomHow the cultivation team at Veritas Fine Cannabis crafted their brand and takes it to the consumer.January 10, 2017InternationalCanada Task Force Issues Adult-Use Recommendation ReportReport suggests government licensing of cultivation and seed-to-sale tracking, plus limited home grow options.December 19, 2016Home9 Tips for Successful Interstate ExpansionWith the cannabis industry continuously expanding, it can be tempting to see a fresh market with potential untapped profit. But successful interstate expansion takes plenty of planning and careful strategy, if the move even makes business sense to begin with.December 5, 2016Home10 Questions With Anthony FranciosiFrom inputs to water reuse to recyclable packaging, Honest Marijuana Company has a passion for sustainability and ‘clean’ cannabis. Here’s how they make it work.December 5, 2016Mastering Environmental Control Sponsored by Quest DehumidifiersGet More Out of Your WaterLearn the basics of using a dehumidification system to provide reclaimed water for your cultivation operation.November 10, 2016Mastering Environmental Control Sponsored by Quest DehumidifiersMolding a Mold-Free GrowHow to make mold and mildew pressure evaporate with a dehumidifier system and preventive processes.November 10, 2016MassachusettsMarijuana Legal in MassachusettsVoters approve Question 4 by 7 percent after a year-long battle in the media.November 9, 2016Page 1 of 45Next Page