Washington Senate OKs marijuana regulation changes

Noelle New Headshot Fmt Headshot

OLYMPIA — A major revision to the state’s marijuana laws, blending the medical and recreational systems and setting up a voluntary registry for adult patients, overwhelmingly passed the Senate on Tuesday and was sent to Gov. Jay Inslee.

Changes to the two systems — the heavily regulated recreational pot and the largely unregulated medical marijuana — drew some of the largest and most vocal crowds as it worked its way through committee hearings over the last three months. Some patients said they would be afraid to register as a user of a drug that is still illegal under federal law. Others urged legislators not to disrupt their access to strains of marijuana that were successfully treating pain, epilepsy, cancer or post-traumatic stress disorder when pharmaceuticals have failed them.

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Related Story: House Passes Bill to Overhaul State's Pot Markets (Washington) 

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