Florida Governor Against Recreational Marijuana Despite 65 Percent Approval

A group called Sensible Florida has been gathering petitions to force a vote on legalizing recreational marijuana in Florida.

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TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (CAPITOL NEWS SERVICE) - A group calling itself Sensible Florida has been gathering petitions to force a vote on legalizing recreational marijuana in Florida. So far the group has collected less than 10 percent of the petitions it needs to make the ballot, but a recent poll may reinvigorate the group's efforts.

Sensible Florida has submitted almost 63,000 signed, verified petitions forms to the state. The group is still shy nearly 14,000 petitions to trigger a review by the State Supreme Court.

A new Quinnipiac University poll shows 65 percent of Floridians support recreational marijuana. That could breathe new life into the amendment.

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