Bernie Sanders Co-Sponsors The Marijuana Justice Act

Another possible 2020 presidential contender joins onto the historic legislation.

Washington, DC - PRESS RELEASE: Today, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) co-sponsored the Marijuana Justice Act, legislation which would remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act and incentivize states to end the racially disparate criminalization of marijuana consumers, according to a press release.

Originally introduced by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), the Marijuana Justice Act is the first piece of legislation that not only would deschedule marijuana from the CSA, but would provide expungement of criminal records for those with federal possession charges. Furthermore, the Marijuana Justice Act is the first bill to end cannabis prohibition that has companion legislation in both chambers of Congress, with Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) as the lead sponsor in the House of Representatives.

NORML Political Director Justin Strekal stated, "Leaders in the Democratic Party are increasingly recognizing that leading the charge on legalization is not only good policy, but good politics. The constituencies which the party claims to stand for are the ones who have most felt the weight and lifelong consequences of marijuana criminalization.

“With Sen. Sanders cosponsoring the Marijuana Justice Act alongside Sens. Booker and Gillibrand, it’s time for the party to speak with one voice that they will legalize marijuana and expunge the criminal convictions of the millions who are being held back from achieving both employment and the American dream.

“The ongoing enforcement of cannabis prohibition financially burdens taxpayers, encroaches upon civil liberties, engenders disrespect for the law, impedes legitimate scientific research into the plant's medicinal properties, and disproportionately impacts communities of color. The Marijuana Justice Act would be the sensible, moral, and rational way to end failed policy of marijuana criminalization.”

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