PRESS RELEASE - A super-majority of Americans, including majorities of Democrats, Republicans and Independents, support making marijuana use legal in the United States, according to nationwide polling data compiled by Gallup, first reported by Forbes.
Sixty-six percent of respondents endorse legalization, a total that is consistent with other recent polls and that is nearly 30 percent higher than 2012 totals--when Colorado and Washington became the first two states to legalize adult marijuana use. A separate nationwide poll released yesterday by PPRI (the Public Religion Research Institute) similarly reported that two in three Americans support legalizing and regulating adults' marijuana use.
Commenting on the poll results, NORML Political Director Justin Strekal said: "There is no buyers remorse on the part of the American people. In recent years, Americans support for legalization has only grown stronger. At the end of the day, every age demographic below 65, representing the overwhelming majority of the taxpaying public, would rather their dollars be spent regulate cannabis, not incarcerate it’s consumers."