Publisher's Note: The Motley Fool is a well-respected investment publication. This is a great article that cites good polling. The spate of negative publicity on edibles can't be helping.
It's pretty hard to top the Affordable Care Act, known better as Obamacare, when it comes to controversial topics, but the debate over whether or not marijuana should be a legal drug continues to stir the pot more so than just about any other topic.
Arguing against the momentum embracing the legal marijuana movement over the past decade would be very difficult. Including a few states which have approved but not fully implemented medical marijuana legislation, 23 states and Washington D.C. have approved medical marijuana on a state level to treat select ailments. Furthermore, two states, Washington and Colorado, have approved the legalization of marijuana on a recreational level (though some restrictions still apply) with a handful of other states slated to put marijuana legalization on their ballot in upcoming elections.
However, marijuana's momentum could be about to go up in smoke if a recent survey conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute has any merit.