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Edibles. Again. It's Not Beer Pong, People.

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Noelle New Headshot Fmt Headshot

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Publisher's note - it's the position of this publication that in states where RMJ or MMJ is legal, how it is ingested should be legal as well, with varieties available to the consumer. However in the case of edibles, the danger of a THC-laden product being accidentally ingested, or over-ingested is much greater than the tradition inhalation method or newer "dabbing" methods as well (although dab potency is extremely potent.) CBT's position is that very strict packaging, promotion, and portioning as well as safety child-proof packaging, should be the paramount factors in the sale and use of edibles. In other words, don't ruin a nascent industry because of lax safety, labeling, packaging, portioning and sales vigilance. If the MJ industry in any of the legal states hits any speed bumps it will be because of edibles, in this publications' view.

That being said, here's the HuffPo article on the MPP's new "Consume Responsibly" campaign...

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