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SRCF and Cannalogix Support the Patients in Fight for Patients' Rights, Applaud Michael Hiller for Leading Charge

The Stormy Ray Cardholders Foundation (SRCF) and the Cannalogix Foundation Medical Cannabis Research Institute express gratitude, encouragement and recognition for Jagger Cotte, Alexis Bortell, Jose Belen and Marvin Washington.

SALEM, OREGON – The Stormy Ray Cardholders Foundation (SRCF) and the Cannalogix Foundation Medical Cannabis Research Institute wish to express our deepest gratitude, encouragement and recognition for the dedication and fortitude put forth by these champions of patient rights. We would like to publicly acknowledge and thank Michael Hiller, as well as each one of the contributing attorneys representing the plaintiffs in this case. We salute them for their sacrifice, dedication and commitment to be the change we all wish to see. We would also like to recognize the patient plaintiffs alongside the attorneys as warriors for patients' rights. Each one fights a fight so many are fortunate enough to never had to endure. The quality of life they seek is a fundamental right that each and every healthy person takes for granted every day. The very least any of us could do is publicly support and encourage them for taking a stand for all.

Marvin Washington: Thank you for continuing to be a champion for the people. You sir are a hero for using your celebrity platform to provide the medical cannabis movement with a voice backed by intelligence, experience and integrity. Your work in raising awareness for the benefits of medical cannabis, cannabis industry diversity-and-inclusion, as well as advocating for athletes' rights to heal naturally will forever be regarded as instrumental in the formation of the Cannabis Industry. Thank you for your service!

Alexis Bortell and Dean Bortell, et al, Alexis, thank you for your courage and inspiration. Dean, thank you your sacrifices. Beyond protecting our freedom, thank you for your continued service to the people through raising awareness to what enables Alexis to live a better life. It's parents like you that enable others to courageously help their children live a better life incorporating plant-based-medicine. Alexis, thank you for speaking up and changing the world; you have a great deal of courage and one can only imagine the signature you will leave on this earth. We are humbled you share your journey.

Jagger Cotte and Sebastien Cotte, et al: Thank you for your love and compassion. You are some of the most courageous souls to inhabit the planet and you prove every day that love, and compassion can overcome all odds. Your journey has captivated the hearts of us all while leading the charge in facilitating much needed change in Georgia. Proving compassion overcomes, you provide hope, informative insight and a pathway for so many fighting a host of illnesses--you all will forever be heroes. Thank you and your family for your sacrifice and the inspiration you provide all of us fighting rare and/or incurable diseases.

Jose Belen: Thank you for your sacrifice. Each and every American owes you a thank you for the sacrifice and trauma that you had to endure on behalf of our freedom. Your sacrifice is the reason we have the freedom to change laws by initiative of the people, its why we can vote on our leadership, and you are the reason we can sue our government to challenge laws that we feel are unjust. A few words could never express the gratitude or appreciation that we have for you and each one of your combat brothers, thank you from the bottom of our hearts, and we salute you all!

Cannabis Cultural Association: From one trail-blazer to another, thank you for having the courage to take the fight to the top and supporting such an amazing bunch of patients and fundamental rights warriors. We salute you for taking the stand in New York and representing your community, and the entire country as a whole in the process. Thank you for your service to the medical cannabis patients of New York. As a group that serves patients and considers patient-wellness our bottom line, we applaud you for your action, and your support of such an amazing plant.

Michael Hiller, and associates: Thank you all for your service to the patients and people of the United States. Every citizen in the U.S. owes each of you a debt of gratitude. We could not have picked a more honorable legal team to fight the biggest case of the century on behalf of such dignified patients. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you, each of us is blessed to have you represent us–defacto.

J.B. Creel, EVP and an SRCF Board of Directors spokesperson, said, “I couldn't think of a better group of individuals to Champion patients' rights on a federal level. Each one of these warriors represent everyday America--they are our children, our Veterans and our professional athletes. They are our heroes just as much as they are our peers-–in the 'land of the free,' we all deserve better. Every American owes them a debt of gratitude for taking the stand to ensure we get that fundamental right. Regardless of the outcome, each will be remembered as Champions for patients' rights.” 

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