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Ireland accidentally legalized ecstasy, ketamine and magic mushrooms

Noelle New Headshot Fmt Headshot

Editor's Note: Marijuana was not thought to be one of the drugs that fell into this category, according to this article, so it remains illegal.

For the next 24 hours [as of Tuesday, March 10], a host of Class A drugs are legal (or else in a legal quandary) in Ireland due to an accidental loophole in drug laws.

The Dáil will sit tonight to pass emergency legislation after the 1977 Misuse of Drugs Act was found unconstitutional by the Irish Court of Appeal this morning, making the drugs it prohibits (technically) legal.

The bill will be rushed through but comes with a provision that states it can only take effect on the day after its signature, placing Ireland in a very grey area with regards to the legality of drugs including ecstasy, ketamine and magic mushrooms until midnight on Thursday.

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