Alcohol Countermeasure Systems, a Canadian manufacturer of breath-alcohol testing products, has announced its continued funding of researchers at Canadian universities to develop a breath test for the detection of cannabis.
Drug impaired driving is a significant problem and with the pending legalization of cannabis for personal use on Oct. 17, 2018, there is a growing concern regarding the ability to detect cannabis in drivers for traffic safety enforcement. Presently 24 percent of drivers report driving within two hours of consumption which may well increase with accessibility of cannabis.
The THC level in the blood peaks within 30 minutes of smoking cannabis and is detectable with current roadside devices for approximately two hours, while the impairing effects of the drug may last for several hours. There is an urgent need for a rapid, reliable, non-invasive roadside test that can detect low levels of THC on the breath or in the saliva of a driver.
ACS's group of scientists have worked with universities in Canada to sponsor research and development of a roadside test that could quickly and reliably detect drugs on the breath. The technology uses micro fluid channels for isolation of the drug and electrochemistry or optical methods for detection and analysis. The technology promises to be a low cost alternative to roadside testing for drugs for traffic safety enforcement.
Starting as a research division in 1976, ACS successfully developed a technological solution to prevent impaired driving and worked closely with legislators, regulators, as well as research and advocacy institutions for many decades to improve road safety. This continued investment with leading Canadian universities will enable us to leverage research and introduce new products to support changing legislation and tools for law enforcement agencies.