Mark June-Wells, Ph.D.From Mark June-Wells, Ph.D.Ethanol ExtractionYour Guide to Ethanol Extraction in CannabisIn part III of a special extraction series, Mark June-Wells examines ethanol’s properties, the different types of extraction strategies, safety considerations for ethanol systems and laboratory infrastructure considerations.February 11, 2020HomeExtraction GlossaryYour quick reference on extraction terminology.August 27, 2018ComplianceYour Guide to Ethanol Extraction: Biology BriefMark June-Wells continues his special extraction series with an in-depth look at ethanol extraction.July 23, 2018HomeYour Guide to Supercritical ExtractionUnderstanding the principles of carbon dioxide extraction and its output capabilities can help you evaluate equipment and anticipate potential production bottlenecks. Part I of a special extraction series.March 7, 2018HomePotassium’s PurposePotassium impacts more than just your crop’s water absorption, K?January 9, 2018HomeGot Calcium?Your guide to calcium’s role in cannabis production and how you can use it to optimize plant health.September 22, 2017HomePhosphorus and CannabisWhat you should know about this valuable chemical element and the proper phosphorus-nutrient balance.July 25, 2017Page 1 of 1