End Notes

Quotes you should note.

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© Palinchak | Dreamstime.com

"There will be a way for all across the country, who have the age of maturity, to buy cannabis.”

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to VICE during a town hall event, addressing the possible pushback from the country’s provinces to federal legalization of adult-use marijuana. The law is set to go into effect in July 2018.

Source: Huffington Post Canada

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© Monica Click, Thinkstock.com

"I think it’s probably time to face up to the fact that there might be some good things coming from it.”

Iowa State Representative Dave Maxwell (R), discussing his change of heart to vote for the legalization of CBD oil production in the state, a measure that passed in April. He joined 13 other Republican lawmakers who voted for the legislation, after being firmly opposed and voting against a 2014 measure that decriminalized CBD oil possession. Maxwell says he had been swayed by stories of Iowans who lobbied for the 2017 bill.

Source: Des Moines Register

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© Moonru | Dreamstime.com

“The data demonstrate that cannabis plants currently grown for NIDA are not representative of plants consumed by recreational and medicinal users through state-legalized markets across the nation.”

According to a study conducted by Steep Hill Labs and the University of Colorado, where 3,000 samples were analyzed, the cannabis produced by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) contained 27 percent of the THC potency of privately produced samples from legal states. Authors of the study claim that the discrepancy “limits scientific study on the potential harms or benefits.”

Source: Bloomberg

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© PromesaArtStudio | Thinkstock.com

"This could be a really good program for patients, or it could be just another group of regulators trying to reinvent the wheel.”

Dr. Jahan Marcu, chief science officer at Americans for Safe Access, regarding Ohio’s medical marijuana program. The state’s law requires mandatory testing of product by university researchers; however, none have yet to get on board. Kent State University, as well as the University of Cincinnati, say they have no plans to participate in the testing process. The Ohio State University (at press time) is still weighing its decision.

Source: Tribune Chronicle (Warren, Ohio)

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