“I don’t look for pity. But unless you’ve walked a mile in someone else’s shoes with (pain), you have no clue.”
Ohio resident Stacy Donaldson at a Lancaster City Council public hearing about a possible citywide ban on medical marijuana. Ohio’s medical program went into effect Sept. 8, though rules are still being established. At least nine cities have started action on bans or moratoriums on medical cannabis.
Source: The Columbus Dispatch
“If the DEA is not abolished, then its mandate should change to reflect the goal of violence reduction, not drug reduction. Treating drug use as a criminal justice issue instead of a health issue has led to disaster.”
From a statement on the Drug Policy Alliance’s website, calling for the dissolution of the DEA following its failure to reschedule cannabis from a Schedule I substance in August.
Source: Cannabis Business Times
"I believe anybody who smokes cannabis is using it medicinally, whether they consider it so or not. If it's my means of relaxing and unplugging and de-stressing at the end of the day, who's to say that's not good medicine?"
Melissa Etheridge, on entering the California medical market with her Etheridge Farms brand. The singer-songwriter is a cancer survivor and a supporter of cannabis legalization. Her products could be on dispensary shelves by the end of the year.
Source: Billboard
“We are very boring that way.”
Janna Beckerman, a plant pathologist at Purdue University, of their lack of plans to grow cannabis under the new DEA guidelines. Although still a Schedule I substance, the new DEA program allows U.S. universities to partner with the DEA to grow cannabis for testing and studies. Several schools, including those with industrial hemp programs, are showing reluctance in the face of security and compliance rules.
Source: STAT News