5 Questions with Cullen Raichart

No matter how you decide to trim your cannabis flower, there is no debate that trimming is a crucial component of the post-harvest process. It’s imperative that buds are presented well to the customer. Here, GreenBroz Founder and CEO Cullen Raichart explains why automating this process can help your business to both scale and succeed over the long term.

1. Why should I dry trim?

Trimming Fmt

Dry trimming offers many benefits. Unlike wet trimming, dry trimming limits the spread of mold and microbial growth. Testing labs and other experts report that an 8-percent moisture level (or lower) protects your flowers against mold growth. Moreover, terpenes and trichomes are better preserved in a properly dried product, protecting the premium fragrance and potency of the flower. The GreenBroz Dry Trimmer uses a patented blade design, which will safeguard trichomes and the flowers’ natural curves and contours.

2. What are the benefits of automated trimming?

Trimming with a GreenBroz Dry Trimmer is fast, cost-effective, efficient and consistent. The end-product is nearly identical to that of hand trimmed. Additionally, the chance of microbial contamination is greatly reduced in machine-trimmed product. Automating your harvest allows for great flexibility and more control in terms of staffing; after all, your equipment will be ready when you are! Our trimmers will generally pay for themselves in less than two days of use. GreenBroz (GBZ) has developed a cost savings calculator on our website to illustrate how your ROI can be maximized with reduced time and labor.

3. How does the GreenBroz Dry Trimmer perform?

GBZ dry trimmers are designed to automate the trimming process while rivaling the beauty of hand-trimmed flowers. GBZ trimmers are quiet, quick and the gentlest on the market. They work with a gentle rolling action, maintaining the organic beauty of the flower. GBZ trimmers do not have the vertical drop of other machines that will knock off the trichomes, nor do they shave your flowers into a golf ball or cone shape. With GBZ trimmers, the operator is in complete control at all times, allowing you to stop when you have achieved your preferred finish.

4. What should cannabis cultivators consider when choosing machines to assist in the harvest process?

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Modern-day cannabis cultivators need to choose wisely when considering which road to automation they take.

You need to select a company that will accommodate the growth of your cannabis cultivation operation.

GBZ offers dry trimmers in two different sizes as well as a bucking machine, fan slides, two different-sized dry sift trichome extractors, a flower sorting machine and a precision micro-batcher. As your operation becomes more sophisticated, you can begin to add these specialized treatments into your post-harvest processes. And once you’re ready, GBZ also offers custom, end-to-end processing systems. Customization of equipment is important to look for in a supplier; you’ll want that equipment to be tailored to your needs and also to your facility so that one day, you’re capable of processing thousands of pounds per day.

5. How do I prepare my flower for the GreenBroz Trimmer?

Hang dry for an average of 10 days, or until your preferred moisture levels are reached. Then, when the outer leaf is crispy and the stems are snapping, you are ready to remove the buds from the stems. To remove, cut the flowers close to the stem and load them directly into the machine. If possible, sort the flowers by size so that your team can see consistent results.

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