Oregon Increases THC Limit for Certain Hemp Products

The Oregon Liquor Control Commission has raised the permissible amount of THC in hemp concentrates, extracts and tinctures.

The Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) has raised the allowable amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in some hemp products.

Now, hemp concentrates, extracts and tinctures (extract dissolved in ethanol) sold within OLCC-licensed marijuana dispensaries can contain 50 milligrams of THC per container, up from 10 milligrams.  

Because certain hemp concentrates and extracts can now contain up to 5% THC, the rule change means those items can be sold in 1-gram units, said OLCC Hemp and Processing Technician Steven Crowley to The Register-Guard.

Though the change is an increase of 400%, it is still far lower than marijuana products. 

“Marijuana tinctures, extracts and concentrates may contain up to 1,000 milligrams THC per container, so the new limits on the hemp versions of these products are still only a fraction of what the equivalent marijuana item can have,” Crowley said.

The change does not apply to hemp edibles, which are restricted to 10 milligrams per unit and 1 milligram per serving.

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