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The Extraction Edge Sponsored by Vitalis
4 Ways Modern CO2 Extraction Has Evolved
Safety, environmental impacts, product diversity, and scalability all combine to make the latest technology in CO2 and ethanol co-solvent extraction a viable option for large-scale manufacturers.
4 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Co-Solvent Cannabis Extraction System
Combining the versatility of liquid CO2 with the scalability of ethanol, these units can help large-scale businesses rapidly process large amounts of biomass while delivering a wide range of products to consumers.
Vitalis Airo™ Automated In-line Refinement Systems
AIRO™ Automated In-Line Refinement Systems
With Airo™ systems, businesses can reduce labor and energy costs, process bottlenecks, transfer loss, and facility space requirements.
5 Questions to Ask When Shopping For a Cannabis Extraction System
Extraction equipment purchases are a significant investment for any cannabis operation. These questions will help you make sure the product you buy is the right one for your business.
Extraction Equipment Maintenance: 3 Tips
Best practices to ensure peak extraction performance.
Extracting Excellence
Christina Lake Cannabis COO Nicco Dehaan shares how Vitalis’ co-solvent extraction system helped reduce facility construction costs and increased product quality.
Vitalis Airo™ Automated In-line Refinement Systems
Vitalis Airo™ systems simplify post-extraction processing, making it faster, easier, and more cost-effective for cannabis producers to achieve high-quality and consistent results.
Co-Solvent Extraction Systems Offer Potential Solutions to Tough Market Conditions
With wholesale prices suppressed across multiple markets, cultivators and processors are turning to innovative solutions to remain competitive and responsive to the evolving conditions.
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