WeedMD Secures License to Cultivate Medical Marihuana from Health Canada

Medical cannabis to be produced at re-purposed Aylmer tobacco plant - with a focus on the Long Term Care Industry
[Press Release] Toronto, Canada,  WeedMD Rx Inc., (“WeedMD” or the “Company”), is pleased to announce that Health Canada has officially licensed the company to cultivate medical cannabis for patients across Canada. The approval is in accordance with the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR), a set of regulations enacted by parliament in July 2013 concerning the production, distribution and use of medical cannabis in Canada and also pursuant to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act of Canada.
The license will allow the Company to immediately begin cultivation of medical marihuana in its fully expandable 25,000 square foot facility located at the former Imperial Tobacco plant in Aylmer, Ontario
“The next phase is to establish a WeedMD standard in producing and selling the highest quality cannabis and also providing unparalleled customer service to all of our future patients," states Bruce Dawson-Scully, CEO of WeedMD. “In particular, we look forward to working with seniors in long-term care, palliative care, and respite care. Seniors are the fastest-growing population to use medical cannabis for treatment in Canada, the benefits of which include reduction in muscle stiffness and muscle spasms, relief of chronic pain, improved sleep quality and increases in weight when recommended and monitored by physicians.”  
Studies have also shown that medical cannabis can reduce the need for prescription medications, many of which have unwelcome side-effects, contraindications and carry the potential for addiction. WeedMD is following the progress of studies regarding the use of cannabis in place of anti-psychotic drugs very closely, and is extremely interested in the efficacy of these studies as it relates to seniors.
WeedMD has successfully remodelled the former food grade tobacco factory in Aylmer and it now boasts state-of-the-art environmental control systems, lighting and security with a bio-composter in place for waste destruction. With 4 acres of adjoining property available for future expansion, plans are already afoot to gradually expand the existing 25,000 sq. ft. production facility to more than 100,000 sq. ft.
“We are excited about creating many jobs for the community here in Aylmer,” says John Withington, WeedMD’s Senior Person in Charge, “and it's a great feeling to know we're transforming a facility that once contributed to the decline of our nation's health into one that will ultimately provide relief from illness.”
Health Canada estimates that Canada's burgeoning legal marihuana supply industry could reach $1.3 billion in sales by 2024, and WeedMD aims to be a significant part of the industry.  “Our team is committed and will continue to execute,” states Dawson-Scully, “our license was secured after a single inspection and we plan to have cannabis plants growing onsite within the next 3 weeks. We will be building our business with a talented team of scientists, cultivators and management. As always, our guiding mantra is Quality, Security, and Safety.”

About WeedMD Rx Inc.:
WeedMD is a licensed producer of medical cannabis pursuant to the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (“MMPR”) and operates a 25,000 square foot, scalable, production facility in Aylmer, Ontario. The Company is focused on producing small-batch, high-grade, condition-specific cannabis products for patients throughout Canada. WeedMD is dedicated to educating healthcare practitioners, providing consistent access and education for high quality medication, and furthering public understanding of how cannabis is used for medical purposes.
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