Small Cannabis Growers Debut 'California Way' Ads

The billboards, bus ads and online videos popping up around the Bay Area this week look like they could be hawking beer or coffee or kale. Over a photo of a soil-covered hand caressing a tiny plant are the words: “Craft farmers. Small batch. Sustainable. The California Way.”

But the ads are extolling the California way of growing cannabis. And on this April 20 — a.k.a. 4/20, the off-the-calendar holiday/celebration of all things marijuana — the new ad campaign is a sign of an industry simultaneously excited and a bit nervous about growing up, coming out of the darkness and going legitimate.

These should be heady days for cannabis farmers and fans, perhaps the last 4/20 when marijuana is not fully legal for adults in California. In October, Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act, a package of measures intended to provide more structure and clarity for the state’s loosely regulated, billion-dollar medicinal cannabis industry.

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