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Denver Culivator Denied License Renewal

Neighborhood push-back against a northeast Denver marijuana grow operation culminated Thursday in the city’s first-ever denial of a routine cultivation license renewal.

Starbuds, a marijuana chain that grows plants on the second floor of its recreational shop at 4690 Brighton Blvd., plans to appeal the decision by Stacie Loucks, the executive director of the Denver Department of Excise and Licenses. In her decision, Loucks agrees with a hearing officer’s earlier findings that the grow operation’s odors and other effects conflict with a new aspirational neighborhood plan for working-class Elyria-Swansea.

But Brian Ruden, one of Starbuds’ owners, says more is at risk than Starbuds’ small grow operation in a matter being watched by Colorado’s marijuana industry.

“The truth is that this is a David vs. Goliath fight,” he said.

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