Arkansas Group Gathers Signatures to Place Adult-Use Cannabis Legalization on 2022 Ballot

Arkansas True Grass has until July 2022 to collect enough signatures to place its proposed constitutional amendment before voters.

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Arkansas True Grass is reviving its efforts to gather enough signatures to place an adult-use legalization measure on the state’s 2022 ballot, according to a 4029 TV News report.

The group previously tried to get the issue before voters in 2020, but fell short on signatures due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The organization’s proposed constitutional amendment would charge the Arkansas Agriculture Department with regulating the legal adult-use marketplace, 4029 TV News reported, and would clear all prior cannabis-related convictions in the state. The proposal would also allow residents to grow up to 12 cannabis plants at home, according to the news outlet.

Arkansas True Grass has until July 22 to gather enough signatures to qualify its initiative for the 2022 ballot.