PRESS RELEASE - Vertical Air Solutions has announced its new UVC integrated pathogen control system. In these times of heightened awareness around the importance of clean environments, Vertical Air Solutions is accelerating availability of its new offering. The UVC light system fits into Vertical Air Solutions' air mixture chamber seamlessly, reducing the instance of powdery mildew and other pathogens.
What is the ultraviolet (UV) light?
Ultraviolet light (UV) is a form of invisible light to the human eye. It occupies the part of the electromagnetic spectrum between X-rays and visible light. The sun emits ultraviolet light but most of it is absorbed by the Earth’s ozone layer.
UVC Rays
The UVC (254nm) lights are the same wavelength produced by the sun. The UVC wavelength attacks the micro-organisms on a molecular level deactivating and destroying the contaminants.
Unlike conventional lamps on the market, the VAS air purification systems use a patented process designed to deliver the maximum UV dosage to the moving air-stream.
Ordering Instructions
The new VAS UVC lights have a list price of $595, and orders may be placed directly with Vertical Air Solutions at 650-739-3009. For installed two-duct systems of up to 8’ in length, one UVC light system is sufficient; for systems 12-28’, two UVC lights will be required; 28-36’ three lights; over 36’, four lights. Full payment is due at the time of order, and lead times are currently 4-6 weeks, subject to change under current circumstances.
- Electrical specifications: 70 Watt, 110 V or 220 V System uses T6 high intensity UVC J-Lamps 105 rated for 17,000 hours operation.
- Indicators: Two LED indicators for ballast powered and lamp ON.
- Effectiveness: This set-up produces a disinfection rate of 90% for powdery mildew and Botrytis within 44 minutes of operation, which means that 99.99% disinfection of airborne spores is obtained in just under three hours.
- Installation: Instructions will be provided with product.
- Tools: One unibit and one pair of sheet metal snips.