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South Carolina Lawmakers Study Effects of Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana did not pass the legislature, but lawmakers are still pushing to spend money to study its effects.

Hand Holding Marijuana Bud In Test Tube Adobe Stock Credit Forance Resized

MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WBTW)- Medical marijuana did not pass the Legislature, but lawmakers are still pushing to spend money to study its effects. Money from the state budget will go to MUSC and USC's college of pharmacy to study the effects of medical marijuana. Lawmakers and first responders said it could help with PTSD.

"I didn't serve in the military, but I served this country in different ways. I worked ground zero during 9/11 and dedicated everything I had," said Jim Holland.

Jim Holland then had to medically resign after he was diagnosed with cancer.

"My chemo was about to kill me and brought me down to a low that no human should ever feel," said Holland.

He tried medical marijuana once and it changed him.

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