Pennsylvania Marijuana Dispensaries Join Michigan Pain Study

A consortium of 25 Pennsylvania marijuana dispensaries will collect patient research data for a national study on chronic pain already underway at the University of Michigan.

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A consortium of 25 Pennsylvania marijuana dispensaries announced it will collect patient research data for a national study on chronic pain already underway at the University of Michigan.

Sue Sisley is one of the lead researchers on the Michigan pain study. An Arizona physician who has conducted DEA-approved marijuana studies at the Scottsdale Research Institute to treat veterans suffering from PTSD, Sisley said the pain study already has enlisted about 600 patients in Nevada and Michigan.

Patients who use cannabis for chronic pain will be asked to complete a confidential online survey on an iPad at the participating dispensaries.

If the Michigan project signs up enough people—Sisley said 3,000 participants would yield publishable results—it could render the idea of Pennsylvania’s state-sanctioned research program moot. It would show meaningful investigations into the drug could be conducted without granting special privileges to marijuana companies that enter into exclusive arrangements with Pennsylvania health-care systems.

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