Evergreen Foundation Helps Fund Mill Creek Restoration Project

The Evergreen Foundation recently announced a contribution of $25,000 in cash and kind services to the Mill Creek Restoration Project (MCRP) to help the group develop the Caldwell-Seymour Greenway.

CINCINNATI, Ohio – The Evergreen Foundation recently announced a contribution of $25,000 in cash and kind services to the Mill Creek Restoration Project (MCRP) to help the group develop the Caldwell-Seymour Greenway in the year 2000.

When completed, the greenway will connect Caldwell Park with the Seymour Nature Preserve in central Cincinnati, providing a great many educational opportunities along the way. There will be outdoor learning experiences for about 300 middle and senior high school students. There will also be on-the-job training with a landscaping company.

"The greenway will be created in a heavily industrialized section of the Mill Creek watershed or drainage basin," said Robin Corathers, executive director of MCRP. "Several economically-depressed inner-city neighborhoods with high unemployment rates are located close by. Mill Creek has a long history of being used for dumping refuse and chemicals, but scientists say it can still come back with this kind of cleanup work. The greenway will help start the cleanup of the creek and provide work training and job opportunities for people in the area."

Corathers estimates that the project will take about 12 months once all governmental requirements have been met. She said, "The Caldwell-Seymour Greenway is the first inner city project to be implemented out of a total of 16 pilot greenway projects planned for development throughout the watershed within the next four years. All of these projects are designed to achieve multiple objectives, including restoration of the Mill Creek."

"Support of this project makes all kinds of sense for the green industry," said Dale Amstutz, president of the Evergreen Foundation. "This is our chance to give something back to the communities that have supported the growth of our business over the years. It’s an opportunity to show our appreciation for the environment and for green spaces. And it’s a great way to provide on-the-job training for people who want to work in the landscaping and lawn care professions."

Amstutz said he encourages all members of the green industry who live in the greater Cincinnati area to give their time to serve on committees, donate crew people and machinery and contribute materials to help this project succeed.

The Mill Creek Restoration Project can be reached at 513/731-8400.

The Evergreen Foundation is leading an effort to create a national greenway system by helping local group get started with seed money and guidance. The EF is also funding the Greenway Archive at North Carolina State University. The Archive provides a depository for material on greenway development and will include a map showing existing greenway systems to help guide the development of a national system.

For more information visit www.evergreenfoundation.com. Note: The Evergreen Foundation's web site was produced by www.giemedia.com.

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